Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) seeks to be widely recognised as a proactive, approachable and knowledgeable organisation that performs the functions required under the Marine and Safety Authority Act 1997. These functions are to:
· ensure the safe operation of vessels;
· provide and manage marine facilities;
· manage environmental issues relating to vessels; and
· perform the functions delegated to the Authority by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).
The responsible Minister is the Minister for Infrastructure, Hon Rene Hidding MP, and the supporting agency is the Department of State Growth.
This chapter provides MAST's financial information for 2015‑16 and over the Forward Estimates period (2016‑17 to 2018‑19). Further information on MAST is provided at
Table 22.1 provides a summary of the Budget and Forward Estimate allocations for key deliverables within the Authority.
Table 22.1: Key Deliverables Statement
2015-16) |
2016-17) |
2017-18) |
2018-19) |
Budget) |
Forward) Estimate) |
Forward) Estimate) |
Forward) Estimate) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
St Helens Barway Stabilisation - Stage 1 |
589) |
589) |
....) |
....) |
Prosser River Entrance Stabilisation - Stage 1 |
500) |
....) |
....) |
....) |
Recreational Boating Fund - Facilities and Services1 |
2 002) |
2 052) |
2 103) |
2 145) |
Marine Infrastructure Maintenance |
833) |
833) |
833) |
833) |
National Maritime Reform - Implementation |
420) |
428) |
439) |
448) |
1. This key deliverable was previously named 'Boating Facilities and Services'.
This project involves initial work on the stabilisation of the St Helens barway involving the establishment of a seawall to help create a more reliable and safe channel. Project funding of $589 000 per annum will be made available for Stage 1 in 2015-16 and 2016-17.
This project involves initial work on the stabilisation of the Prosser River entrance to improve the long term water flows and reliability of access for boat users. Project funding of $500 000 will be made available for Stage 1 in 2015-16.
The funding of community projects under the Recreational Boating Fund will continue during 2015‑16 with $2 million being made available for the upgrade of recreational boating facilities and continuation of safety initiatives and services. Projects are funded from revenue received from the registration of recreational vessels and licensing of operators.
A comprehensive preventative maintenance program will continue on important marine infrastructure including navigation aids, jetties and breakwaters. It is estimated that $833 000 per annum will be spent on maintenance in 2015‑16 and over the Forward Estimates period.
From 1 July 2013, the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 (National Law) created a national safety system for domestic commercial vessels through a single national law for seafarers and commercial vessel owners. The Act replaced eight existing federal, state and territory regulators with one national marine safety regulator, AMSA. Under this national system for commercial vessels, MAST remains responsible for the day-to-day administration of the National Law in Tasmania, under delegation from AMSA. Significant internal resources have been diverted to the implementation of this reform during the transition period to ensure that MAST achieves the best outcome for commercial operators in Tasmania.
Table 22.2: Statement of Comprehensive Income
Budget) |
Budget) |
Forward) Estimate) |
Forward) Estimate) |
Forward) Estimate) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
Revenue and other income from transactions |
Grants1 |
1 004) |
2 092) |
1 592) |
1 003) |
1 003) |
Sales of goods and services2 |
5 777) |
4 909) |
4 182) |
6 029) |
5 137) |
Interest |
65) |
66) |
67) |
68) |
70) |
Total revenue and other income from transactions |
6 846) |
7 067) |
5 841) |
7 100) |
6 210) |
Expenses from transactions |
Employee benefits3 |
2 376) |
1 969) |
2 043) |
2 059) |
2 101) |
Depreciation and amortisation |
893) |
906) |
906) |
871) |
831) |
Supplies and consumables4 |
5 321) |
4 208) |
4 220) |
4 420) |
4 344) |
Total expenses from transactions |
8 590) |
7 083) |
7 169) |
7 350) |
7 276) |
Net result from transactions (net operating balance) |
(1 744) |
(16) |
(1 328) |
(250) |
(1 066) |
Other economic flows included in net result |
Net gain/(loss) on non-financial assets5 |
(484) |
....) |
....) |
....) |
....) |
Total other economic flows included in net result |
(484) |
....) |
....) |
....) |
....) |
Net result |
(2 228) |
(16) |
(1 328) |
(250) |
(1 066) |
(2 228) |
(16) |
(1 328) |
(250) |
(1 066) |
1. The increase in Grants in 2015-16 and 2016-17 reflects funding allocated for the St Helens Barway Stabilisation ‑ Stage 1 project and the Prosser River Entrance Stabilisation - Stage 1 project.
2. The decrease in Sales of goods and services in 2015‑16, 2016‑17 and 2018‑19 reflects the timing of recreational boating licence renewals, which occur every three years.
3. The decrease in Employee benefits in 2015‑16 reflects revised requirements for Marine Safety Inspectors under the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 compared to original estimates.
4. The decrease in Supplies and consumables in 2015‑16 reflects the cessation of Boating Facilities and Services projects finalised in 2014-15.
5. The Net loss on non-financial assets in 2014‑15 reflects the demolition and replacement of the St Helens Wharf and Dover Jetty in 2014‑15.
Table 22.3: Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June
Budget) |
Budget) |
2017) Forward) Estimate) |
2018) Forward) Estimate) |
2019) Forward) Estimate) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
Assets |
Financial assets |
Cash and deposits1 |
2 578) |
2 561) |
1 793) |
2 619) |
2 320) |
Receivables |
118) |
169) |
144) |
141) |
156) |
2 696) |
2 730) |
1 937) |
2 760) |
2 476) |
Non-financial assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
185) |
112) |
39) |
....) |
....) |
Infrastructure |
24 694) |
24 335) |
24 091) |
23 258) |
22 438) |
Other assets |
10) |
44) |
39) |
38) |
35) |
24 889) |
24 491) |
24 169) |
23 296) |
22 473) |
Total assets |
27 585) |
27 221) |
26 106) |
26 056) |
24 949) |
Liabilities |
Payables |
368) |
424) |
518) |
643) |
720) |
Employee benefits2 |
597) |
692) |
811) |
886) |
768) |
Total liabilities |
965) |
1 116) |
1 329) |
1 529) |
1 488) |
Net assets (liabilities) |
26 620) |
26 105) |
24 777) |
24 527) |
23 461) |
Equity |
Reserves |
12 881) |
12 881) |
12 881) |
12 881) |
12 881) |
Accumulated funds |
3 800) |
3 285) |
1 957) |
1 707) |
641) |
Other equity |
9 939) |
9 939) |
9 939) |
9 939) |
9 939) |
Total equity |
26 620) |
26 105) |
24 777) |
24 527) |
23 461) |
1. The decrease in Cash and deposits in 2017 reflects the timing of recreational boating licence renewals, which occur every three years.
2. The increase in Employee benefits reflects the Authority's most recent estimates and mostly relates to accumulated Long Service Leave entitlements of staff with over ten years of service.
Table 22.4: Statement of Cash Flows
Budget) |
Budget) |
2016-17) Forward) Estimate) |
2017-18) Forward) Estimate) |
2018-19) Forward) Estimate) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
$'000) |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Cash inflows |
Grants1 |
1 004) |
2 092) |
1 592) |
1 003) |
1 003) |
Sales of goods and services2 |
5 739) |
4 935) |
4 206) |
6 029) |
5 137) |
GST receipts |
402) |
355) |
403) |
383) |
326) |
Interest received |
65) |
66) |
67) |
68) |
70) |
Total cash inflows |
7 210) |
7 448) |
6 268) |
7 483) |
6 536) |
Cash outflows |
Employee benefits |
(2 118) |
(1 724) |
(1 731) |
(1 789) |
(1 899) |
Superannuation |
(187) |
(190) |
(194) |
(198) |
(202) |
GST payments |
(400) |
(357) |
(391) |
(385) |
(390) |
Supplies and consumables3 |
(5 581) |
(4 108) |
(4 131) |
(4 285) |
(4 344) |
Total cash outflows |
(8 286) |
(6 379) |
(6 447) |
(6 657) |
(6 835) |
Net cash from (used by) operating activities |
(1 076) |
1 069) |
(179) |
826) |
(299) |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Payments for acquisition of non-financial assets4 |
(2 596) |
(1 089) |
(589) |
....) |
....) |
Net cash from (used by) investing activities |
(2 596) |
(1 089) |
(589) |
....) |
....) |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held |
(3 672) |
(20) |
(768) |
826) |
(299) |
Cash and deposits at the beginning of the reporting period |
6 250) |
2 581) |
2 561) |
1 793) |
2 619) |
Cash and deposits at the end of the reporting period |
2 578) |
2 561) |
1 793) |
2 619) |
2 320) |
1. The increase in Grants in 2015-16 and 2016-17 reflects funding allocated for the St Helens Barway Stabilisation ‑ Stage 1 project and Prosser River Entrance Stabilisation - Stage 1 project.
2. The decrease in Sales of goods and services in 2015‑16, 2016‑17 and 2018‑19 reflects the timing of recreational boating licence renewals, which occur every three years.
3. The decrease in Supplies and consumables in 2015‑16 reflects the cessation of Boating Facilities and Services projects finalised in 2014-15.
4. The Payments for acquisition of non-financial assets in 2014-15 relates to the reconstruction of the St Helens Wharf and Dover Jetty and, in 2015‑16 and 2016‑17, relates to the expenditure incurred on the St Helens Barway Stabilisation - Stage 1 project and the Prosser River Entrance Stabilisation - Stage 1 project.