Ministerial and Parliamentary Support provides funding to support Ministers and certain Parliamentary Office Holders and all members of the House of Assembly. The funding provided covers Ministerial allowances, staffing support and office facilities for Ministers and staffing support and office facilities for all Members of the House of Assembly. Certain office facilities and staffing are also provided to some Members of the Legislative Council.
This chapter provides financial information for Ministerial and Parliamentary Support for 2018‑19 and over the Forward Estimates period (2019‑20 to 2021‑22).
The Outputs of Ministerial and Parliamentary Support are provided under:
· Output Group 1 ‑ Support for Members of Parliament.
Table 7.1 provides an Output Group Expense Summary for Ministerial and Parliamentary Support.
Table 7.1: Output Group Expense Summary1
1. Agency estimates do not include the indexation impact of any variations to agency expenditure that have been made since the finalisation of the Revised Estimates Report 2017-18 (including December Quarterly Report). For further information see chapter 1 of this Budget Paper.
2. The increase in Support for Ministers and certain Parliamentary Office Holders in 2018-19 reflects the additional funding for a new Ministerial Office, the support for the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, and the increased costs of the Ministerial Transport Service.
3. The increase in Support for Members of the House of Assembly in 2018-19 reflects additional funding provided to the Office of Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the Tasmanian Greens, the increase in operational funding for electorate offices of Members of the House of Assembly and funding for increased lease costs for new electorate offices.
This Output provides funding to support the functions of the following offices:
· Premier;
· Ministers (including the Deputy Premier and the Treasurer);
· Speaker of the House of Assembly; and
· Leader and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council.
This Output provides funding for allowances payable in accordance with the provisions of the Parliamentary Salaries, Superannuation and Allowances Act 2012.
This Output also provides funding for a transport service that is available to the Premier, Ministers and other office holders including the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the President of the Legislative Council and the Leader(s) of non‑government parties in the House of Assembly.
This Output provides funding to all elected members of the House of Assembly to support them in their electorates. The support covers applicable allowances, staffing costs, travel and office facilities that includes accommodation, supplies and consumables, fit‑out, communications and other equipment.
This Output also provides funding to support the functions of offices for the Leader(s) of non‑government parties in the House of Assembly.
Table 7.2: Statement of Comprehensive Income
1. The increases in Appropriation revenue - recurrent and Employee benefits in 2018-19 reflect additional funding for Ministers, certain Parliamentary Office Holders and Members of the House of Assembly. This is partially offset by the permanent transfer of $930 000 per annum from Ministerial and Parliamentary Support to House of Assembly for certain Ministerial Allowances.
Table 7.3: Revenue from Appropriation by Output
1. The increase in Support for Ministers and certain Parliamentary Office Holders in 2018-19 reflects the additional funding for a new Ministerial Office, the support for the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, and the increased costs of the Ministerial Transport Service.
2. The increase in Support for Members of the House of Assembly in 2018-19 reflects additional funding provided to the Office of Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the Tasmanian Greens, the increase in operational funding for electorate offices of Members of the House of Assembly and funding for increased lease costs for new electorate offices.
3. The decrease in Allowances of Ministers in 2018-19 reflects the permanent transfer of $930 000 per annum from Ministerial and Parliamentary Support to House of Assembly for certain Ministerial Allowances.
Table 7.4: Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June
1. The variation in this item reflects revised estimates based on 30 June 2017 actuals.
Table 7.5: Statement of Cash Flows
1. The increases in Appropriation receipts - recurrent, Employee benefits and Superannuation in 2018-19 reflect additional funding for Ministers, certain Parliamentary Office Holders and Members of the House of Assembly. This is partially offset by the permanent transfer of $930 000 per annum from Ministerial and Parliamentary Support to House of Assembly for certain Ministerial Allowances.