TasTAFE is a Statutory Authority established by the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013. Governed by a Board of Directors, TasTAFE is the single public sector entity responsible for post‑compulsory Vocational Education and Training in Tasmania. Through its status as a registered training organisation, its role is to enable Tasmanians to gain skills and qualifications needed for the State’s workforce and to support the community to succeed and prosper.
TasTAFE is the largest vocational education and training provider in Tasmania, providing the majority of training for Tasmanian businesses. TasTAFE also operates in the contestable training market in Tasmania and in the commercial international student market. It services the training needs of individual learners as well as providing training and workforce skills development services to Tasmanian employers and their employees.
The scope of training provided by TasTAFE aims to support the economic and policy priorities of the Tasmanian Government, business and industry, and covers the major trade, technical and vocational occupations represented in the Tasmanian economy.
Training is conducted statewide at TasTAFE facilities in Hobart, Clarence, Claremont, Launceston, Alanvale, Devonport and Burnie; in Trade Training Centres; regional locations; workplaces across the State; and online.
The TasTAFE Board of Directors is accountable to the Minister for Education and Training, Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP.
This chapter provides financial information for TasTAFE for 2019-20 and over the Forward Estimates period (2020-21 to 2022-23). Further information on TasTAFE is provided at www.tastafe.tas.edu.au.
TasTAFE’s key deliverables are driven by the Government’s priorities and TasTAFE’s Corporate Plan.
TasTAFE continues to develop contemporary strategies and plans aimed at creating accessible and quality VET delivery across Tasmania, with a strong emphasis on industry partnerships. Strategies will continue to focus on the advanced manufacturing, agricultural, construction, human services, and tourism and hospitality sectors. TasTAFE will continue to re-position itself and be more responsive to the needs of communities that do not have ready access to existing TasTAFE infrastructure.
The 2018‑19 Budget included $7 million for the development of a Trades and Water Centre of Excellence in Clarence and $5 million for an Agricultural Centre of Excellence based at Freer Farm, Burnie.
The 2019‑20 Budget includes $2.9 million over two years for a new initiative, Skilled Workforce to Meet Industry Demand. This funding will provide increased pre-vocational training to support construction industry apprentices, and increase capacity in the Diploma of Nursing to address workforce demands.
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
2020-21 |
2021-22 |
2022-23 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Revenue and other income from transactions |
Grants1 |
84 920 |
92 344 |
81 908 |
82 087 |
84 499 |
Sales of goods and services |
24 150 |
23 703 |
24 200 |
24 685 |
25 179 |
Interest |
125 |
125 |
140 |
125 |
125 |
Total revenue and other income from transactions |
109 195 |
116 172 |
106 248 |
106 897 |
109 803 |
Expenses from transactions |
Employee benefits2 |
71 957 |
73 312 |
75 421 |
74 940 |
76 461 |
Depreciation and amortisation |
8 825 |
8 655 |
8 970 |
8 511 |
7 900 |
Supplies and consumables |
31 170 |
30 754 |
31 062 |
31 829 |
32 987 |
Total expenses from transactions |
111 952 |
112 721 |
115 453 |
115 280 |
117 348 |
Net result from transactions (net operating balance) |
(2 757) |
3 451 |
(9 205) |
(8 383) |
(7 545) |
Net result |
(2 757) |
3 451 |
(9 205) |
(8 383) |
(7 545) |
Comprehensive result |
(2 757) |
3 451 |
(9 205) |
(8 383) |
(7 545) |
1. The increase in Grants in 2019‑20 reflects funding for the development of a Trades and Water Centre of Excellence, Agricultural Centre of Excellence and Skilled Workforce to Meet Industry Demand.
2. The increase in Employee benefits in 2019‑20 and 2020‑21 reflects additional funding of $2.9 million over two years for Skilled Workforce to Meet Industry Demand.
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Assets |
Financial assets |
Cash and deposits |
6 367 |
7 223 |
7 334 |
7 761 |
8 416 |
Receivables |
5 608 |
5 064 |
4 448 |
3 831 |
3 213 |
11 975 |
12 287 |
11 782 |
11 592 |
11 629 |
Non-financial assets |
Property, plant and equipment |
163 077 |
170 991 |
163 129 |
155 267 |
147 405 |
Heritage and cultural assets |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
Intangibles1 |
2 826 |
1 719 |
611 |
.... |
.... |
165 929 |
172 736 |
163 766 |
155 293 |
147 431 |
Total assets |
177 904 |
185 023 |
175 548 |
166 885 |
159 060 |
Liabilities |
Payables |
5 362 |
3 862 |
3 762 |
3 662 |
3 562 |
Employee benefits |
16 470 |
16 280 |
16 060 |
15 830 |
15 600 |
Other liabilities |
2 700 |
2 750 |
2 800 |
2 850 |
2 900 |
Total liabilities |
24 532 |
22 892 |
22 622 |
22 342 |
22 062 |
Net assets (liabilities) |
153 372 |
162 131 |
152 926 |
144 543 |
136 998 |
Equity |
Contributed capital |
227 033 |
227 033 |
227 033 |
227 033 |
227 033 |
Reserves |
9 880 |
14 092 |
14 092 |
14 092 |
14 092 |
Accumulated funds |
(83 541) |
(78 994) |
(88 199) |
(96 582) |
(104 127) |
Total equity |
153 372 |
162 131 |
152 926 |
144 543 |
136 998 |
1. The decrease in Intangibles reflects the amortisation of the student management system.
2018-19 |
2019-20 |
2020-21 |
2021-22 |
2022-23 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Cash inflows |
Grants1 |
84 920 |
92 344 |
81 908 |
82 087 |
84 499 |
Sales of goods and services |
25 438 |
24 278 |
24 775 |
25 260 |
25 754 |
GST receipts |
3 360 |
3 640 |
3 712 |
3 766 |
3 821 |
Interest received |
125 |
125 |
140 |
125 |
125 |
Total cash inflows |
113 843 |
120 387 |
110 535 |
111 238 |
114 199 |
Cash outflows |
Employee benefits2 |
(63 969) |
(65 103) |
(66 980) |
(66 544) |
(67 890) |
Superannuation |
(8 252) |
(8 399) |
(8 661) |
(8 626) |
(8 801) |
GST payments |
(3 464) |
(3 568) |
(3 621) |
(3 674) |
(3 728) |
Supplies and consumables |
(31 497) |
(32 254) |
(31 162) |
(31 967) |
(33 125) |
Total cash outflows |
(107 182) |
(109 324) |
(110 424) |
(110 811) |
(113 544) |
Net cash from (used by) operating activities |
6 661 |
11 063 |
111 |
427 |
655 |
Cash flows from investing activities |
Payments for acquisition of non-financial assets |
(6 300) |
(14 145) |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Net cash from (used by) investing activities |
(6 300) |
(14 145) |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held |
361 |
(3 082) |
111 |
427 |
655 |
Cash and deposits at the beginning of the reporting period |
6 006 |
10 305 |
7 223 |
7 334 |
7 761 |
Cash and deposits at the end of the reporting period |
6 367 |
7 223 |
7 334 |
7 761 |
8 416 |
1. The increase in Grants in 2019‑20 reflects funding for the development of a Trades and Water Centre of Excellence, Agricultural Centre of Excellence and Skilled Workforce to Meet Industry Demand.
2. The increase in Employee benefits in 2019‑20 and 2020‑21 reflects additional funding of $2.9 million for Skilled Workforce to Meet Industry Demand.