Brand Tasmania was established under the Brand Tasmania Act 2018. The Authority is responsible for taking a best practice approach to ensure the Tasmanian Brand is strengthened locally, nationally and internationally, and is promoted as a key asset of the Tasmanian community.
Brand Tasmania’s broad objectives are to:
· develop, maintain, protect and promote a Tasmanian Brand that is differentiated and enhances our appeal and competitiveness nationally and internationally;
· strengthen Tasmania’s image and reputation locally, nationally and internationally; and
· nurture, enhance and promote the Tasmanian Brand as a shared public asset.
Brand Tasmania operates as a client‑service organisation, partnering with stakeholders across business, government and the community, to empower Tasmanians to tell their story in words, in images and, most importantly, through action.
The work of Brand Tasmania is overseen by a Board and is led by the Chief Executive Officer.
Brand Tasmania supports the Premier, Hon Peter Gutwein MP.
This chapter provides financial information about the Output to be delivered by Brand Tasmania in 2020‑21 and over the Forward Estimates (2021‑22 to 2023‑24). Further information about Brand Tasmania is provided at
Table 13.1 provides a summary of the Budget and Forward Estimates allocations for key deliverables being undertaken by Brand Tasmania.
In addition to the important key deliverables identified in the below table, Brand Tasmania is also taking action to support the implementation of the important recommendations included in the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council’s Interim Report which have been endorsed by the Government. Where specific additional funding is not required, recommendations are being implemented within existing resources.
Budget |
2021‑22 Forward Estimate |
2022‑23 Forward Estimate |
2023‑24 Forward Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Tasmanian Showcase |
200 |
200 |
200 |
200 |
Funding of $200 000 per annum will be provided from 2020‑21 for the Tasmanian Showcase. The Tasmanian Showcase will provide a virtual door to Tasmania and direct people to opportunities across trade, tourism, workforce attraction, investment attraction, and liveability. The funding will deliver content creation and campaigns, and deliver ongoing phases of the Tasmanian Showcase to ensure Tasmania is well positioned post‑COVID‑19 to support our economic and social recovery from the pandemic.
Brand Tasmania’s individual Output is provided under the following Output Group:
· Output Group 1 ‑ Brand Tasmania.
Table 13.2 provides an Output Group Expense Summary for Brand Tasmania.
2019‑20 |
2020‑21 |
2021‑22 |
2022‑23 |
2023‑24 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Premier |
Output Group 1 ‑ Brand Tasmania |
1.1 Brand Tasmania1 |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1. The increase in Brand Tasmania reflects funding for the Tasmanian Showcase, and a permanent transfer of funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet for operating expenses.
Brand Tasmania’s purpose is to bring more value to everything Tasmanian.
This Output delivers on the objectives of Brand Tasmania by ensuring Tasmania has a contemporary, best practice approach to managing, developing, promoting and protecting Tasmania’s Brand, in order to:
· develop, maintain, protect and promote Tasmania’s Brand;
· strengthen Tasmania’s image and reputation locally, nationally and internationally;
· ensure Tasmania’s Brand is nurtured, enhanced and promoted as a key asset of the Tasmanian community;
· enhance the attractiveness of Tasmania as a place in which to live, work, study, visit, invest or trade; and
· maximise the profile, and the competitive position, of Tasmanian goods, services, experiences and products in local, national and international markets.
Brand Tasmania’s second full year of operation will be focussed on the ongoing implementation of its 2019‑2024 Strategic Plan and delivering projects and collaborative activities with its partners across government, industry and the community, including the Tasmanian Showcase.
2019‑20 |
2020‑21 |
2021‑22 |
2022‑23 |
2023‑24 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Revenue and other income |
Appropriation revenue ‑ operating1 |
1 432 |
1 824 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Other revenue from government |
.... |
72 |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Total revenue |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Total income |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Expenses |
Employee benefits |
612 |
627 |
640 |
648 |
648 |
Supplies and consumables1 |
820 |
1 069 |
1 017 |
1 037 |
1 058 |
Grants and subsidies1 |
.... |
200 |
200 |
200 |
200 |
Total expenses |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Net result |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Comprehensive result |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
1. The increase in Appropriation revenue ‑ operating, Supplies and consumables and Grants and subsidies, reflects funding for the Tasmanian Showcase, and a permanent transfer of funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet for operating expenses.
2019‑20 |
2020‑21 |
2021‑22 |
2022‑23 |
2023‑24 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Premier |
Output Group 1 ‑ Brand Tasmania |
1.1 Brand Tasmania1 |
1 432 |
1 824 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1 432 |
1 824 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Brand Tasmania |
Total Operating Services Expenditure |
1 432 |
1 824 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1 432 |
1 824 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Appropriation Rollover |
.... |
72 |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Total Revenue from Appropriation |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Controlled Revenue from Appropriation |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
1. The increase in Brand Tasmania reflects funding for the Tasmanian Showcase, and a permanent transfer of funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet for operating expenses.
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Assets |
Financial assets |
Cash and deposits |
.... |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Receivables |
.... |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
.... |
18 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
Non‑financial assets |
Intangibles |
.... |
41 |
41 |
41 |
41 |
Other assets |
.... |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
.... |
58 |
58 |
58 |
58 |
Total assets |
.... |
76 |
76 |
76 |
76 |
Liabilities |
Payables |
.... |
29 |
29 |
29 |
29 |
Employee benefits |
.... |
28 |
28 |
28 |
28 |
Total liabilities |
.... |
57 |
57 |
57 |
57 |
Net assets (liabilities) |
.... |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
Equity |
Accumulated funds |
.... |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
Total equity |
.... |
19 |
19 |
19 |
19 |
1. The 2019‑20 financial year represented the first year of operations for the Authority. The 2019‑20 Budget did not include a Statement of Financial Position and as such, there are no Budget comparatives for the 2020 Budget.
2019‑20 |
2020‑21 |
2021‑22 |
2022‑23 |
2023‑24 |
Forward |
Forward |
Forward |
Budget |
Budget |
Estimate |
Estimate |
Estimate |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
$'000 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Cash inflows |
Appropriation receipts ‑ operating1 |
1 432 |
1 824 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Appropriation receipts ‑ other |
.... |
72 |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Total cash inflows |
1 432 |
1 896 |
1 857 |
1 885 |
1 906 |
Cash outflows |
Employee benefits |
(552) |
(567) |
(580) |
(588) |
(588) |
Superannuation |
(60) |
(60) |
(60) |
(60) |
(60) |
Grants and subsidies1 |
.... |
(200) |
(200) |
(200) |
(200) |
Supplies and consumables1 |
(820) |
(1 069) |
(1 017) |
(1 037) |
(1 058) |
Total cash outflows |
(1 432) |
(1 896) |
(1 857) |
(1 885) |
(1 906) |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
Cash and deposits at the beginning of the reporting period |
.... |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
Cash and deposits at the end of the reporting period |
.... |
12 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
1. The increase in Appropriation receipts ‑ operating, Grants and subsidies and Supplies and consumables, reflects funding for the Tasmanian Showcase, and a permanent transfer of funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet for operating expenses.