Purchasing activity
The Department of Treasury and Finance is a key central agency of the Tasmanian State Government. Treasury is responsible for providing financial and resource management services, economic and fiscal policy advice and revenue and regulatory management services for Government.
Corporate purchasing activities
In comparison to other Government agencies, Treasury's purchasing activity is relatively low value and limited to the usual office requirements such as stationery, computers and information technology, office machines, furniture and some printing and publishing.
From time to time, the Department draws on particular skills and expertise from the private sector - in areas as varied as taxation advice, information technology, actuarial services, asset maintenance, financial and economic modelling and risk management.
Goods and Services that we buy
A detailed list of goods and services that Treasury and other Government agencies purchase can be found on the Winning Government Business website at www.purchasing.tas.gov.au > Winning Government Business > Finding Business > Who Buys What > Agency Buying Directory.
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