Personal Information Protection Act 2004
The Personal Information Protection Act 2004 regulates the way in which Treasury collects, maintains, uses and discloses your personal information required for to undertake its responsibilities.
Treasury understands the importance of protecting your personal information and ensures it acts in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 and the Personal Information Protection Principles set out in Schedule 1 of the Act.
The Personal Information Protection Policy (PDF 85Kb) covers how Treasury collects, maintains, uses and discloses your personal information, how you request information about what personal information of yours we have and how you request an amendment to your, or another person’s personal information.
Request to access details of your personal information
If you would like to be provided with information details of:
- the sort of personal information Treasury holds about you;
- the purpose for which Treasury holds that information; and
- how Treasury collects, holds, and discloses that information,
you can complete a Request for details of Personal Information form and send it, together with certified copies of your identification, to:
Mail: Department of Treasury and Finance
Project Management & Governance Branch
GPO Box 147
Request to access details of another person’s personal information
You can request details of the personal information Treasury holds of another person, including someone who is deceased provided you have authority from that person, or in the case of a deceased person, evidence that you are the next of kin, executor or administrator of that person’s deceased estate.
If you would like to be provided with details of:
- the sort of personal information Treasury holds about another person;
- the purpose for which Treasury holds that information; and
- how Treasury collects, holds, and discloses that information,
Mail: Department of Treasury and Finance
Project Management & Governance Branch
GPO Box 147
Request to correct or amend your personal information data
If you believe that your personal information requires amendment because it is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading, you can make a request to Treasury by completing a Request for amendment of Personal Information form and sending it, together with certified copies of your identification, to:
Mail: Department of Treasury and Finance
Project Management & Governance Branch
GPO Box 147
Request to correct or amend another person's personal information
If you believe that the personal information of a deceased person or another third party requires amendment because it is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading, you can make a request to Treasury by completing a Request for amendment of Personal Information - deceased estates & third party requests form and sending it, together with certified copies of your identification and authority, to:
Mail: Department of Treasury and Finance
Project Management & Governance Branch
GPO Box 147
Right to Information Requests
If you would like to receive copies of your personal information held by Treasury, you can make a Right to Information request.
For more information on how to make a request, go to our Right to Information page.
If you are not satisfied with Treasury's handling of your request to access personal information data or your request to amend personal information, you can lodge a further request in writing to:
Department of Treasury and Finance
Project Management & Governance Branch
GPO Box 147
Or via email:
If you remain dissatisfied with Treasury's handling of your matter, or the outcome of your request, you can contact the Ombudsman Tasmania:
Telephone: 03 6166 4566 or 1800 001 170