Routine disclosure of information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Department of Treasury and Finance, along with other Tasmanian Government agencies, has committed to routinely disclose certain information to the public that may be of broader interest. You will find regular updates over time on this page as new topics of interest are added.​

​​​​Corporate ​and Go​verna​nce

Category of Information

Frequency of updates​

Expenditure on telecommunications and mobile devices​​​​​

Treasury releases biannual information of telecommunication expenditures incurred. 



Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality​

Treasury has adopted the whole-of-government gifts, benefits and hospitality policy. A copy of the whole-of-government policy can be found here.​​


Right to Information disclosure log

All Tasmanian Government agencies are required to publish certain information released in response to Right to Information requests that are considered to be in the public interest.​​​​

As req​​uired​​

Treasury's organisational structure​​

Treasury is made up of four divisions.​ Each division incorporates a number of branches. More information on the divisions is available in Treasury's Annual Report.​

As req​uired​

Treasury's governance policies​

As req​uired​

​​​​Economic Statistics

Category of Information​​ Description Frequency of updates​​

Economic data releases for Tasmania

Up-to-date releases of the Tasmanian economy and its performance in relation to the Australian economy.​​

Quarterly and annually​

​​​​Financial Reports

Category of Information​ Description Frequency of ​​​​updates​

Quarterly Financial Reports

Under the State's reporting framework, September, December and March quarterly reports are required to be published.​


Revised Estimate Reports

The Revised Estimates Report details financial information for the December quarter together with revised estimates for the Budget year and Forward Estimates period.​


Treasurer's Annual Financial Reports​​​​​

Provides audited General Government Sector, whole-of-government and Public Account financial statements.​​


 First Home Owner Grant - Boost

 Category of Information​ Description Frequency of updates​

First Home Owner Grant - Builder Boost Statistics​​​

Provides an overview of the First Home Owner Grant in relation to eligibility, building dates and Builder Boo​st Statistics.​​​


​​Liquor and Gaming Industry Data

Category of Information​ Description Frequency of updates​

Gaming Industry Data​

Gaming data, including player expenditure and activities in Tasmanian premises.​​

Monthly, quarterly and annually

Liquor Industry Data​

Liquor licences by location and the number of liquor licences on issue.​​

Monthly, quarterly and annually​

​​​Property and Procurement Data

Category of Information​​ DescriptionFrequency of ​up​da​​t​es​​

​​​Contracts with confidentiality provisions​

​Executed contracts that contain confidentiality provisions as a result of approval by an Accountable Authority.

As req​uired​​

Disclosure of non-procurement contracts over $2 million​

All contracts over $2 million, tha​t are not the result of a procurement and are still current.​​​

As req​uired​​

Overall Government Procurement Statistics​ ​​

Routine disclosure​​ of overall Government procurement statistics.​


Major Government office accommodation leases​
Key details of all major office accommodation leases under Treasurer's Instruction C-2​​.
As required​

Government Tenders​
As required​

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