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Tasmanian Government -
Department of Treasury and Finance
Budget and Financial Management
Budget and Financial Management
2024-25 Tasmanian Budget
Financial Reports
Guidelines, Instructions and Legislation
Economic Data
Economic Data Releases for Tasmania
Population projections for Tasmania and its Local Government Areas
Economic Reform
Fee Units
Automatic Mutual Recognition
Competitive Neutrality Policy
Mutual Recognition
Subordinate Legislation Act 1992
Government Businesses
Tasmanian Government Businesses
Strategic Reviews
Corporate Governance Framework
Guidelines, Instructions and Planners
Board Appointments
Purchasing and Property
Purchasing, whole-of-government common use contracts and eTendering
Prequalification Schemes
Property Services
Purchasing and Property Treasurer's Instructions
Liquor and Gaming
Contact Us
Fees, taxes and levies
Liquor licence decisions
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Working at Treasury
Annual Report
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Budget and Financial Management
2024-25 Tasmanian Budget
2024-25 Tasmanian Budget Word Documents
Contact us
2024-25 Tasmanian Budget Word Documents
Page Content
The 2024-25 Budget is presented in Word format below.
Budget Paper No 1
1. Introduction
2. Tasmanian Economy
3. Fiscal Strategy
4. 2024-25 Budget and Forward Estimates
5. General Government Revenue
6. Infrastructure Investment
7. Assets and Liabilities
Appendix 1. Uniform Government Reporting
Budget Paper No 2
1. Introduction
2. Department for Education, Children and Young People
3. Finance-General
4. Department of Health
5. Department of Justice
6. Ministerial and Parliamentary Support
7. Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
8. Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management
9. Department of Premier and Cabinet
10. Department of State Growth
11. Department of Treasury and Finance
12. Brand Tasmania
13. Environment Protection Authority
14. House of Assembly
15. Integrity Commission
16. Legislative Council
17. Legislature-General
18. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
19. Office of the Governor
20. Office of the Ombudsman
21. Tasmanian Audit Office
22. Tourism Tasmania
23. Inland Fisheries Service
24. Marine and Safety Tasmania
25. Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
26. State Fire Commission
27. TasTAFE
28. Homes Tasmania
29. Stadiums Tasmania
About Us
Budget and Financial Management
Government Businesses
Liquor and Gaming
Purchasing and Property