1. Introduction
2. Tasmanian Economy
3. Fiscal Strategy
4. 2023-24 Budget and Forward Estimates
5. General Government Revenue
6. Infrastructure Investment
7. Assets and Liabilities
Appendix 1. Uniform Government Reporting
Appendix 2. Estimated Outcome
2. Department for Education, Children and Young People
3. Finance-General
4. Department of Health
5. Department of Justice
6. Ministerial and Parliamentary Support
7. Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
8. Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management
9. Department of Premier and Cabinet
10. Department of State Growth
11. Department of Treasury and Finance
12. Brand Tasmania
13. Environmental Protection Authority
14. House of Assembly
15. Integrity Commission
16. Legislative Council
17. Legislature-General
18. Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
19. Office of the Governor
20. Office of the Ombudsman
21. Tasmania Audit Office
22. Tourism Tasmania
23. Inland Fisheries
24. Marine and Safety Tasmania
25. Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
26. State Fire Commission
27. TasTAFE