Economic Policy and Reform

Our focus is to identify opportunities for economic reform and assist the Government to meet its mutual recognition obligations. We administer the Fee Units Act 1997, Mutual Recognition Agreement and Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement.

In this Topic

  • Mutual Recognition
    The legislation that allows: goods that are legally produced and sold in one jurisdiction can be sold in another jurisdiction; and people with registered occupations can work in an equivalent occupation in other jurisdictions
  • Fee Units
    The Fee Units Act 1997 provides for the automatic indexation of most Government fees in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index for Hobart (CPI)
  • Competitive Neutrality Policy
    The principal objective of NCP is to promote competition within the economy where it is considered to be in the public benefit.
  • Subordinate Legislation Act 1992
    The primary objective of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1992 is to reduce the burden of regulation on the Tasmanian community
  • Economic Policy links
    Handy links to sites related to our Economy, such as the Productivity Commission and National Competition Council
  • Legislation Review Program
    Procedures and guidelines for the Tasmanian Government Legislation Review Program
  • Automatic Mutual Recognition


Economic Policy Branch
Department of Treasury and Finance
GPO Box 147