The Government owns, on behalf of the Tasmanian community, a diverse portfolio of businesses, ranging in size and operating in a variety of commercial markets including the energy sector, port operations, transport, forestry and financial services. A list of Government businesses and their websites can be found here.
Directors of Government businesses are selected and appointed on the basis of their skills and experience, and the needs of the particular business.
The Tasmanian Government is undertaking a program of renewal of its Government business boards. Ensuring a culture of regular renewal will ensure that businesses are managed by high quality boards with the appropriate skills and experience, as well as having an appropriate balance between continuity of experience and the injection of fresh perspectives.
It is important that the appointment process is competency based, professional and transparent. A Director Selection Advisory Panel will advise the Government on suitably qualified candidates for all Government business director appointments.
Information on the Board appointment arrangements can be found here.
Criteria for appointment
Directors must possess relevant expertise, as well as appropriate personal attributes, in order to perform their duties and responsibilities to a high standard. Collectively, the expertise of each Board includes, but is not limited to:
- relevant industry knowledge;
- corporate governance;
- finance and accounting;
- an understanding of the Government context including the Government's objectives and risk appetite; and
- strategic planning.
The ability to add value and contribute to Board decision-making and oversight are key considerations in the assessment of candidates for Board positions.
Individuals with the following skills will be considered:
- a strong understanding and commitment to the principles of corporate governance, along with a sound understanding of a director's legal duties and responsibilities;
- strong leadership and the ability to maintain effective professional and working relationships with stakeholders and the broader community;
- an understanding of the Government's objectives and risk appetite as the owner of businesses;
- the ability to contribute to an effective board culture; and
- demonstrable knowledge in either:
- a relevant industry;
- risk assessment;
- strategic planning;
- marketing;
- IT/Technology; or
- legal/commercial skills.
How to apply
Treasury maintains a secure database of individuals interested in being appointed to government business boards.
If you have the necessary skills and wish to be considered for a board position, you can register your interest by completing the Registration of Interest Form.
In registering your interest, you should familiarise yourself with the Information for Candidates and the Government of Tasmania's Personal Information Protection statement.
Inclusion on the register of nominees does not guarantee selection for a position. Having your name on the register of nominees does not oblige you to accept any appointment which is offered.