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Associates are persons that have a relevant association to an applicant or current licence or permit holder. A person is an associate of an applicant if:
- they hold or will hold:
- relevant financial interest in the business (eg. investor, shareholder, business partner);
- relevant position in the business (eg. office bearer, director, senior manager); and
- relevant power or significant influence in the management or operation of the business (eg. friend, acquaintance or other person)
- they are a relative (spouse, partner, parent, child or sibling (whether full blood or half-blood); or
- the Commissioner is satisfied a person could exercise a significant influence over the applicant, licensee or permit holder [liquor only].
Eligibility requirements
An associate must be at least 18 years of age and determined to be fit and proper having regard to character, honesty and integrity in their professional and personal life. National police and credit checks are conducted as part of the associate assessment process. As determined by the Commissioner or Commission, subsequent requests for additional information or other inquiries may be conducted.
Under the Gaming Control Act 1993, associates must consent to finger and palm prints being taken, irrespective of whether this occurs. In accordance with legislation, all prints obtained are destroyed as soon as the Commission has no further use for them.
Associate applications
Under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 and Gaming Control Act 1993, the Commissioner for Licensing and the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission determine if an associate of an applicant, or current licence or permit holder is fit and proper and of sound financial background.
The Associate Application is part of an application for:
- Liquor Licence or permit
- Liquor Licence transfer
- Venue Licence
- Tasmanian Gaming Licence
- Tasmanian Casino Licence
- Roll of recognised Manufacturers, Suppliers and Testers of gaming equipment
- Foreign Games Permit
How to apply
If an applicant identifies having associates, each associate must separately complete:
Refer to
Associate guidelines for additional information.