Community support fund

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Community Support Fund (CSF) commenced on 1 July 2023 and supports gambling harm minimisation purposes such as support services and programs, early intervention and preventative initiatives, research, and community development projects.
The Fund is made up of contributions from the Community Support Levy (refer to Gaming and wagering tax rates) and any direct contribution by Government and the Tasmanian monitoring operator, Maxgaming.

The Fund is distributed in accordance with the Gaming Control (Community Support Fund) Regulations 2023​ and is administered by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

The Ministerial Guidelines - Community Support Fund set out the proce​​ss for the administration of the Fund and provide guidance to agencies seeking to make a submission.  

​​Expenditure reporting​

Treasury will publish details of the distributions from the Fund on its website following Ministerial approval (refer below to Approved CSF funding requests​).

Agencies must publish approved funding and expenditure information on their respective websites annually, within three months of the end of the financial year.

The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission​ Annual Report also reports on agency expenditure.

​Approved CSF funding requests

The Minister approved the following requests for funding from the Community Support Fund. Only funding relevant to the current financial year will be distributed and any outyear funding approved will be incorporated into future estimations of available funding.

Contact the relevant agency for additional information about a specific measure.

​2023-24 Funding Round

​Department of Premier and Cabinet - Gambling Support Program
​Specialist gambling support services
​$938 000
​$940 000
​Community education initiatives
$460 000​
​$250 000​
​Research projects
$380 000
​Community grants
​$800 000
​Neighbourhood House engagement
​$2 200 000
​$1 500 000
​$1 500 000
​GSP operations
​$283 000
​$278 000
​$155 000
Total approved distribution
$5 061 000
$2 968 000
$1 655 000

Department of Treasury and Finance

Funding of $315 000 was approved in 2023-24 for the following:

  • $230 000 to be held towards funding of the sixth Social and Economic Impact Study (SEIS) due by June 2026; and
  • $85 000 to fund the administration of the Tasmanian Gambling Exclusion Scheme, a review of player information materials (a relevant matter under the Responsible Gambling Code of Practice​) and related printing costs, and any required contribution in 2023-24 to Gambling Research Australia.

​Actual expenditure by Treasury in 2023-24 is in the table below.

​Allocation ($)
Expenditure ($)​​Balance ($)
​Social and Economic Impact Study Provision
​230 000
​230 000
​Tasmanian Gambling and Exclusion Scheme
​46 000
​46 000
​Review of player information materials
​26 000
​(26 000)
​Printing of gambling support information
​4 000
​3 607
​Administration of CSF
​9 000
​9 000
​315 000
​288 607
​(26 393)

​1Review undertaken within Departmental budget

Department of State Growth - Active Tasmania
Active Tasmania sought funding in accordance with regulation 4 of the Gaming Control (Community Support Fund) Regulations 2023. Funding (estimated to be $1.82 million in 2023-24) has been confirmed for the following measures:
  • Sport and Active Recreation Equipment Grants Program ($1.27 million);
  • Organisational Support Grants Program ($500 000); and
  • Administrative support ($50 000).​
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