Gaming and wagering industry data
Page Content
Number of gaming machines in casinos, hotels and clubs
| 988
| 1 180
Hotels and clubs
| 2 264
| 2 350
Total number of gaming machines
| 3 252
| 3 530
| | | |
Cap - per hotel
| 30
Cap - per club
| 40
| |
Gaming machine expenditure
Hotel and club
| 109.82
| 56.00
| 57.01
Casino | 76.48
| 38.32
| 41.34
| 186.30
| 94.31
| 98.35
*Data is reported on an accrual basis (ie the month the gambling occurred).
Number of gaming licence and permits
Venue licence
| 142
General casino licence | 2
Tasmanian gaming licence | 1 |
Keno operator licence
| 1 |
Monitoring operator licence
| 1
Foreign games permit^
| 2 |
Minor gaming permit
| 224
Special employee's licence | 2 455
Technician's licence | 690
^Tattersalls Sweeps Pty Ltd and Golden Casket Lottery Corporation Ltd each hold one Foreign Games Permit.
Number of gaming and wagering premises
Total gambling premises
| 241
Number of premises with gaming machines#
| 92
Number of premises with keno | 144
Number of premises with TAB | 124
Number of premises with lottery | 96
#Data includes two casinos.
Note: Some premises may have multiple forms of gaming and wagering available.
Tasmanian Gambling Exclusion Scheme (TGES)
Self exclusions
| 266
| 264 | 249
| 231
| 266
Third party exclusions | 1 | 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
Venue operator exclusions | 127 | 120 | 110
| 100
| 95
(People with both venue and self exclusions) | 11 | 9 | 6
| 5
| 9
Total excluded people | 383 | 376 | 354
| 327
| 353