The Treasurer directed the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission in 2021 to investigate the extent to which facial recognition technology and player card gaming for electronic gaming machines in casinos, hotels and clubs could minimise gambling harm, and provide a report on the outcome of the investigations and recommendations as to the most effective method of implementing these technologies in casinos, hotels and clubs (see Ministerial Direction 1/2021).
Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission Report
Following the Direction, the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission conducted a robust investigation that included targeted and public consultation, a review of national and international research and an independent feasibility study.
The supporting materials for the investigation, including all submissions received from the public consultation undertaken by the Commission can be accessed here.
The Commission's report was released 15 September 2022:
The Government provided a response to the Commission's report:
At the time the Government's response to the Commission's report was released, the Treasurer directed the Commission to implement a player card gaming system with pre‑commitment and cashless gaming (see Ministerial Direction 1/2022).
Industry consultation
Work is underway to progress the system design and implementation plan. In December 2023, key industry stakeholders were provided with a preliminary consultation paper providing information about the design and function of the system, focussing on how venues and patrons will be impacted, including the practical impact of the policy on gaming machine play. This consultation was targeted with industry stakeholders and therefore noted to be confidential, because of its focus. The project has now moved to the next stage and this paper is now available here:
Preliminary consultation with industry - Player Card and Cashless Gaming
Open public consultation
The Commission has progressed the technical requirements for the player card and cashless gaming system to the point where it is now able to provide an overview of how the system is intended to operate through a public consultation paper:
Player Card and Cashless Gaming Public Consultation Paper
Consultation will assist the Commission by providing views on the player experience and operational requirements for the system.
The feedback from consultation will be considered and included in system design and implementation plans as appropriate.
Consultation timeline
9 September 2024 Player Card and Cashless Gaming Consultation paper released
18 October 2024 Closing date for submissions regarding the Consultation Paper
How to make a submission
Submissions can be provided to:
| The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission C/O Department of Treasury and Finance GPO Box 147 HOBART TAS 7001
Attention: Player Card Gaming Project
All submissions in response to this Consultation Paper must be received by 5pm on 18 October 2024.