Gaming control (Community Support Fund) regulations

​​​Following Royal Assent of the Gaming Control Amendment (Future Gaming Market) Act 2021, the arrangements for the Community Support Levy (CSL) will cease on 30 June 2023.

From 1 July 2023, revenue raised by the CSL, along with any direct contribution from the Government, will be paid into the newly created Community Support Fund (the Fund).

The legislative amendments require the Fund be distributed in a manner prescribed by regulations.

Public consultation

Two rounds of feedback for the Fund took place during the development of the Gaming Control Amendment (Future Gaming Market) Bill 2021; and through a targeted stakeholder survey​.

The Government also committed to public consultation on the draft regulations prescribing the Fund prior to tabling in Parliament. The following documents were provided to support the consultation process.

​Submissions to the public consultation​​

Nine submissions were received providing feedback on the release of the exposure draft of the Gaming Control (Community Support Fund) Regulations 2022 in July 2022. Copies of the individual submissions received are available at the links below. 

  1. Anglicare Tasmania
  2. The Salvation Army
  3. Tasmanian Hospitality Association
  4. Uniting Church
  5. Glenorchy City Council
  6. TasCOSS
  7. VXT
  8. Gambling Support Program
  9. Communities, Sport and Recreation

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