Mandatory code reviews

​​​​​The Responsible Gambling Mandatory Code of Practice for Tasmania​ was first introduced in 2012 and established a range of measures to achieve gambling harm minimisation. The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission conducted its second review of the Code (in accordance with the Gaming Control Act 1993) to ensure that the harm minimisation measures within it continued to be effective, relevant and sufficient.

The Commission's Final Outcomes Paper was released on 30 September 2022, summarising the review process and a brief explanation supporting the Commission's final position on the initiatives considered:

 Final Outcomes Paper - Second Review of the Responsible Gambling Code (PDF 245Kb)​

Supporting materials​

Stakeholder Consultation Paper

Responsible gambling codes and harm minimisation polices of Australian jurisdictions - A Desktop Review

Stakeholder submissions

Fourteen written submissions were received with one marked confidential. Submissions not marked confidential are linked below:

  1. National Council for Women in Tasmania
  2. Quaker Peace and Justice
  3. Kristie Johnston MP
  4. The Salvation Army
  5. Tabcorp
  6. Anglicare Tasmania
  7. Federal Group
  8. TasCOSS
  9. THA
  10. Confidential
  11. Uniting Church in Australia
  12. Glenorchy City Council
  13. Meg Webb MLC
  14. Communities Tasmania​

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