Social and economic impact studies

​​​​The Gaming Control Act 1993 requires that an independent review of the social and economic impact of gambling in Tasmania is conducted every five years.

The fifth study was undertaken by a consortium comprising the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies (University of Adelaide), ENGINE Group, the Centre of Policy Studies (Victoria University) and Corinna Economic Advisory.

The study is presented in two volumes:

  Fifth SEIS Volume 1 - Industry Trends and Impacts   (5Mb)

  Fifth SEIS Volume 2 - Prevalence Survey   (7Mb) 

Public submissions were invited to the fifth study through advertising on social media; direct approaches to community, peak body and industry organisations; the University of Adelaide website; this website; and via a newspaper advertisement. In total, SACES received 49 submissions from individuals and 18 submissions from the community services sector, members of parliament, researchers, local government and industry stakeholders. Submissions from individuals have been collated into two groups by SACES according to anonymity of identity. The following public submissions were received:​

A consortium comprising by ACIL Allen Consulting, Deakin University, Central Queensland and the Social Research Centre have completed the fourth study.  It is available in two volumes. Note, as previously advised Volume 1 has now been updated at Table 5.1 etc., to incorporate 49 Betfair FTEs.

  Volume 1 - Industry Trends and Impacts(4Mb)

  Volume 2 -  Prevalence Survey   (8Mb) 

Public submissions were invited to the fourth SEIS, through a newspaper advertisement.  A total of eight public submissions were received as part of the SEIS: 

  1. Glenorchy City Council   (3Mb)

  2. LGAT   (810Kb)

  3. City of Hobart   (899Kb)

  4. Andrew Wilkie MP   (72Kb)

  5. Relationships Aus   (374Kb)

  6. Federal Group   (2Mb)

  7. Anglicare   (2Mb)

  8. TasCOSS   (3Mb)

A consortium led by ACIL Allen Consulting Pty Ltd has completed the third study. It is available in three volumes, supplementary material and a summary report: 

Summary Report (698Kb)

Volume 1 - Gambling industry trends and impacts (3Mb)

Volume 2 - Prevalence survey (4Mb)

Volume 3 - Assessment of gambling harm minimisation measures (4Mb)

Volume 3 - Supplementary material (3Mb)

The Allen Consulting Group completed the second study, in collaboration with the Problem Gambling Research and Treatment Centre (a joint venture of Monash University and the University of Melbourne) and the Social Research Centre.

The second study is available in three volumes and a summary report:

Summary Report (2Mb)

Volume 1 - Gambling industry trends and economic impacts (8Mb)

Volume 2 - Gambling survey (4Mb)

Volume 3 - Assessment of harm minimisation measures (2Mb) 

 A report into sentencing options and improving data collection in courts and prisons has was also completed.

Responding to gambling-related crime (2Mb)

The first study was prepared by the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies. It is available in two volumes:
Volume 1 (6Mb)

Volume 2 - Prevalence Study (2Mb)​​

The Tasmanian Gaming Commission's report to the former Treasurer, Hon Michael Aird MLC on the 'Social and Economic Impact Study into Gambling in Tasmania' was released in late 2008.

Australian Gambling Statistics (AGS) are compiled by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office​ (QGSO). Contact them via​.


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