Financial assessment worksheet guidelines

​​These guidelines provide a detailed step-by-step guide to help you complete a Financial Assessment Worksheet for your business. This Worksheet is a mandatory part of the Venue Licence Application assessment process for applicants applying to operate EGMs.

You may need the input of your accountant to complete all sections of the worksheet.

Key information 

You must download a copy of this Worksheet and fill in the necessary information. The required information is identified by a yellow shaded box.

There are two parts to the assessment: a questionnaire section, with four sub-pages, and a financial section, with two sub-pages and an example page on the last tab.
  • Questionnaire
    • Applicant details
    • General questionnaire
    • Debt facility
    • External collateral
  • Financials
    • Financial input
    • Monthly cash input: end of month cash balance for each of the last 12
    • months.
    • Example inputs
The recommended way to navigate between the pages is to use the “next page” link at the bottom right corner of each page. 

Alternatively, you can use the bottom navigation bar at the bottom left of the screen. Please note, the Questionnaire and Financials tabs are intentionally left blank. 

When complete, you must upload to the Venue Licence Application in .xls or .xlsx format only.

​Page 1a: Applicant details​
​Your are required to provide:
  • ​Your entity/venue name
  • ABN
  • Licence number 
  • Premises location 
  • Contact information
​Page 1b: General questionnaire
​This page includes a series of questions about your business and financial position. Complete this page by selecting the appropriate answer rom the dropdown menu. You may be prompted to answer additional information in column G, Further information. 
​Page 1c: Debt facility
​his is required if you have external financing and have answered yes to question 19 of section 1b. 
Page 1d: External collateral
​This is required if you have external collateral to you business and have answered yes to question 20 of section1b. 

​​​​Page 2a: Financial input
​An example of a co​mpleted​​​​ 2a Financial Input Page is available on the final tab, 2c Example.
Page 2b: Monthly cash input
​Your are required to provide profit and loss and balance sheet information for the last three years. 
​Page 2c: Example
​End of month cash balance for each of the last 12 moths.


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