Venue licence checklist
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This checklist details the information required to submit a compliant Venue Licence Application.
It can be used by all entity types - company, trust, club or partnership/individual, but please note the requirement for some information is dependent on the entity type.
The checklist is split between information that needs to be entered directly into the online application form (“Application information”) and information that needs to be attached (“Attachments”).
We note current Licensed Premises Gaming Licence holders have already provided some of the information below. This is a separate assessment process, for a licence of 20 years duration. You will need to provide this information to us again so we can confirm the currency under the new licensing arrangements.
Start preparing now and get your attachments ready to upload.
Applicant information
- Venue details and venue owner details
Applicant details, including information specific to the entity applying
- Litigation history
- Details on current/previous association with the gaming industry
- Details on recorded surveillance (including CCTV locations covering all gaming related areas)
- Nomination and details for staff to access the Tasmanian Gambling Exclusion Scheme database
- Identify all individuals who will need to submit associate applications
- Contact details for ongoing contact throughout application process (applicant or nominated associate)
- Credit card information for the application fee
- Authority and consent by the applicant to conduct probity checks
Financial history details
- Applications for the operation of electronic gaming machines will be subject to a comprehensive assessment of your financial history. You may wish to seek advice from an accountant to assist with accurate information for this review.
Financial statements of the entity (balance sheet, profit and loss and explanatory notes) from the most recent three years
- Details of assets external to the business (if used/intended to be used as security for borrowings) (Only applicable to applicants planning to operate EGMs)
- Copy of property lease or title
- Property plan(s) showing the location of buildings and car parks
- Complete floor plan of the venue indicating keno terminals, coin change machine location(s) and/or gaming area where applicable
- Certificate of Registration of a company with ASIC / Certificate of Incorporation and copies of incorporating documents / trust deed or partnership agreement
Certificate of Registration for the business name
- Diagram of company/ownership structure
- Details of all holding, subsidiary and related companies, including details of business
conduct by such companies
- Details of company directors and shareholders (including percentage of shares owned)
- Photographs of the proposed location(s) of coin change machine taken from the staff area, and/or from a position showing the staff area and the proposed coin change
machine location(s) (Only applicable to applicants planning to operate EGMs)