Authorised games

​​​​​​​​​The Gaming Control Act 1993 regulates gaming in Tasmania. Gaming occurs if participants pay money to play a game involving chance for which prizes can be won.  Gaming is only permitted if it is authorised or exempted under the Act.

Certain games can be conducted for the lawful purposes of a not‑for‑profit organisation or for charitable purposes by the holder of a minor gaming permit.  These are known as “authorised games" and include:


The Commission has issued rules which apply to each of the authorised games.  The rules set out requirements, including what must be done with the proceeds of the game, how the game must be conducted, information which must be given to participants, and record keeping obligations.

Children under the age of 18 years must not participate in any of the authorised games.  Allowing children to participate in an authorised game may be an offence.

Authorised games can only be conducted by the holder of a minor gaming permit.  For more information about how to apply for a permit, refer to Applying for a minor gaming permit.

For application forms to apply for a minor gaming permit, and the information and record keeping forms which must be completed by minor gaming permit holders, refer to Forms.​

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