Gaming legislation

The gambling industry​​​​​​​​ is regulated by the following legislation.

Gaming Control Act 1993

The Gaming Control Act 1993 provides the legislative framework for the licensing and regulation of gambling in Tasmania. Activities regulated by the Act include gaming machines and keno, casino gaming, totalizator wagering, sports betting, interactive gaming and wagering, foreign games permits and minor gaming. 

The objects of the Act are to:
  • ​ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair, honest and transparent way and is free from criminal influence;
  • take a public health and consumer protection approach to protect people, particularly people who are vulnerable from being harmed by gambling or exploited by gaming operators; and
  • ensure that the returns from gambling are shared appropriately.

The Act establishes the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission and provides for the taxation of regulated gambling activities.

The Act has a strong harm minimisation focus, establishing the Tasmanian Gambling Exclusions Scheme, which allows individuals experiencing gambling problems to be excluded from gambling.

The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission must consider community interest matters when deciding whether to grant a licence with authority to possess EGMs. These matters are prescribed in the Gaming Control Regulations 2022.

Gaming Control Regulations 2022

The Gaming Control Regulations 2022 include the costs under the Act, such as for licence applications and renewals, and further requirements for the operation of a betting exchange. The regulations also include community interest matters the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission must consider when deciding whether to grant a Licensed Premises Gaming Licence with authority to possess electronic gaming machines.​

Gaming Control (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2021

The Gaming Control (Infringement Notices) Regulations 2021 allow Tasmania Police to issue infringement notices to persons that commit certain offences under the Act and to prescribe penalties that correspond to the level of infringement notice. ​

TT-Line Gaming Act 1993

Gaming operations on board the Spirit of Tasmania I and II vessels are regulated by the TT-Line Gaming Act 1993. Reciprocal Victorian legislation regulates gaming aboard the two vessels while the vessels operate in Victorian waters. The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission is responsible for the licensing and regulation of gaming on those vessels. There is currently no licence held by TT-Line company Pty Ltd to operate gaming aboard the vessels.

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