Licence Variation or Alteration

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Variation of Licence or Permit Conditions

Sectio​n 25​D and Section 34C​ of the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 provides the Commissioner for Licensing with the power to vary conditions of a liquor licence or a liquor permit on written request by the licensee or permit holder.

The Commissioner has determined that any changes should be considered with reference to a number of factors, including:

  • changes should not undermine, or be clearly contrary to, the decision of when the ​​licence application was first considered.

  • straight forward requests, such as a variation or increase to trading hours or a variation or increase in trading days, are likely​ to be approved. Other requests for variation may involve requests for additional authority for the sale of liquor that had not been envisaged by the licensee at the time of the initial application. These requests are also likely to be granted. 

In all cases, however, while there may not be any fundamental changes to the operation of the licence/permit, the Commissioner will take account of the initial decision of the issuing of the licence to ensure that there were no particular circumstances in that decision that would be relevant in approving the subsequent variation.

 Application and variation of conditions of a Licence/Permit  (296Kb) 

Alterations to Licensed ​Premises​​

Under Secti​on 47​ of the Liquor Li​censing Act 1990 it is an obligation of a licensee not to alter the area of a licensed premises without the Commissioner's approval.

​​​The Commissioner will approve an alteration if it is in the best interests of the community to do so.

A request to alter the area of the licensed premises MUST be lodged prior to commencement of building works to ensure the Commissioner is given appropriate time for consideration of application.

The following steps outline how to obtain approval to alter a licensed premises:

  • Before any changes are made, complete and submit the request form​

  • When the work has been completed, complete and submit the notification form. Once this has been received, you will receive a copy of your new licensed premises plan.