Notifying the Commissioner for Licensing of a change

​​The Section 49 notice requires that a liquor licensee or permit holder must notify the Commissioner in writing of a number of changes affecting the licensee or associate within 14 days.​

Changes to be notified

Specified changes to the situation of a licensee, permit holder or any associate are listed in the instruction as follows: :

  • Change of name of the licensee or permit holder, or any of their associates. 
  • Change of postal address, registered office address, telephone number, or email address of the licensee or permit holder. 
  • Change of postal address, telephone number or email address of any associates of the licensee or permit holder. 
  • Addition of a person who has become an associate of the licensee or permit holder. 
  • The licensee or permit holder is found guilty of an offence (excluding traffic offences for which the maximum penalty is limited to a fine only) in Tasmania or any other jurisdiction, whether or not a conviction is recorded. 
  • An associate of the licensee or permit holder is found guilty of an offence (excluding traffic offences for which the maximum penalty is limited to a fine only) in Tasmania or any other jurisdiction, whether or not a conviction is recorded. 
  • The licensee or permit holder or any of their associates becomes a bankrupt or enters into an arrangement or composition with the associate’s or person’s creditors under the Bankruptcy Act 1966

For additional information on the changes to be notified and associates refer to Notifying the Commissioner for Licensing of a change in situation.​

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