Transferring your liquor licence

​​​​​​​​The current licensee must apply to the Commissioner for Licensing for approval to transfer their liquor licence to another person.

The licensee will remain responsible for the sale and consumption of liquor at the licensed premises until the transfer application has been approved and must ensure they maintain effective control over the sale and consumption of liquor during this period.

A licensee cannot transfer their licence to another premises. In the instance where the licensee moves premises and wishes to sell liquor at the new premises, they must apply for a new liquor licence.

Any liquor permit in effect, such as an Off Permit or Out of Hours Permit will cease once the transfer application has been approved. The incoming licensee will need to make a new application for any intended permit/s.

If a licensee attempts to transfer their licence without approval, the Commissioner is likely to commence disciplinary action against that licensee.

If a transfer application is refused by the Commissioner, the licence will remain with the current licensee.

Whilst the transfer application is underway, the licensee maintains the right to surrender the licence at any time.​

​How to apply to transfer a licence

To apply for a licence transfer, your application must contain:

  • a fully completed Liquor Licence Transfer Application​ signed by the incoming and outgoing licensee;
  • the application fee; and
  • all required supporting information (as outlined in the transfer application form).

If you provide us with a complete application, we aim to advise you of the outcome of your application within 4 - 6 weeks. The application process may take longer if:

  • your application is incomplete and we need to follow up with you;
  • the Commissioner requires additional information to properly consider your application;
  • an extended public holiday period is approaching. 

The current licensee must remain responsible during this time unless an Interim Authority is in effect. For additional information, refer to Interim A​uthority.

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