Before you apply

​​​​​ ​​​Business plan

Before you apply for a liquor licence, we recommend you develop a business plan which should include how you are going to operate your business and where you see your business developing in the future. The Commissioner needs to know why and how liquor is a part of your business activities. 

If you require further assistance to establish your business or need help with a business plan, ​contact Business Tasmania:

Starting a business | Business Tasmania

Starting an agritourism business | Business Tasmania

Council approval

You should also contact the planning department at your local council to ensure your plans fit within the local planning scheme. You will need to provide evidence of council approval with your application.​


Not everyone needs a liquor licence. Some small businesses may be able to sell liquor under an exemption. For liquor exemptions and conditions, refer to General liquor exemptions​.

If you are uncertain, contact the Branch to discuss your circumstances further.​

Types of liquor licences

A general licence authorises the sale of liquor on the licensed premises between 5 a.m. and midnight on any day, for consumption on and off the premises.

This licence allows for the consumption of liquor anywhere within your leased or owned property and in areas you have authority to occupy, including street dining provided you have local council approval. It allows the sale of liquor online and for liquor to be sold and taken away from the premises in sealed containers. This is the broadest liquor licence type available. ​​​​

Other permits

If you wish to trade past midnight, an Out-of-Hours p
ermit is required for any period between midnight and 5am.

Approval from council will be required to ensure you can operate during the additional hours.

If you would like to trade after 2am you will need to operate CCTV at the premises and comply with the Surveillance Standards.

Forms and further information can be found on the out of hours and on or off permits page​​.

An On-licence authorises the sale of liquor on the licensed premises between 5 a.m. and midnight on any day, for consumption on those premises. 

An on-restaurant licence authorises the sale of liquor for consumption with or without food subject to the premises operating primarily as a restaurant.

'Restaurant' means a premises in which the principal activity is serving food for eating on the premises.

Other permits

If you would like to sell liquor for consumption off the licensed premises such as for street dining, you can apply for an Off Permit authority.

Approval from council will be required to ensure the consumption of liquor is permitted on public footpaths or thoroughfares.

If you wish to trade past midnight, an Out-of-Hours permit is required for any period between midnight and 5am.

Approval from council will be required to ensure you can operate during the additional hours.

If you would like to trade after 2am you will need to operate CCTV at the premises and comply with the Surveillance Standards.

Forms and further information can be found on the out of hours and on or off permits page .​

An off-licence authorises the sale of liquor between 5 a.m. and midnight on any day, for consumption off the licensed premises. This licence is typically issued for a bottle shop facility. The principal activity at the premises must be the sale of liquor.​

Other permits

If you would like to sell liquor for consumption on the licensed premises such as for tastings, you can apply for an On Permit authority.

Approval from council will be required to ensure the consumption of liquor is permitted.

Forms and further information can be found on the out of hours and on or off permits page​

A club licence authorises the sale of liquor on the licensed premises (being a club) between 5 a.m. and midnight on any day, for consumption on or off those premises. The sale of liquor is limited to club members, guests of members and people attending the premises for club activities or authorised functions. Under this licence, you must keep two logbooks - one to register patrons who are not members, and another to record approved functions. There are restrictions regarding the number of times you can hire the facility to external persons or groups.

If you are a club, you are not restricted to applying for this licence type. You can contact the Liquor and Gaming Branch to obtain a copy of the conditions for this licence type to determine whether this licence type is suitable for your club and its activities.​

Other permits

If you wish to trade past midnight, an Out-of-Hours permit is required for any period between midnight and 5am.

Approval from council will be required to ensure you can operate during the additional hours.

If you would like to trade after 2am you will need to operate CCTV at the premises and comply with the Surveillance Standards.

Forms and further information can be found on the out of hours and on or off permits page.​

A special licence authorises the sale of liquor on the licensed premises between specified times and is subject to conditions. This licence may be suitable for business types such as cellar doors, cafes, online or wholesale sales. This licence type is restricted in scope and is for limited purposes only. 

If you are unsure of the most suitable licence type, please contact the Branch to speak with a Licensing Officer before proceeding. You may need to email your business plan and photos of the proposed business for further advice.​


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