Commissioner for Licensing

The Commissioner for Licensing is appointed by the Minister under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990.

The Commissioner is responsible for:
  • administering applications for licences and permits;
  • ensuring people are qualified to hold a liquor licence or liquor permit;
  • the determination of liquor licence applications in accordance with the Liquor Licensing Act 1990, making decisions that are in the best interest of the ​​community;
  • transferring liquor licences from one person to another;
  • issuing interim authorities for people to act as licensees;
  • issuing liquor permits;
  • administering surrendered liquor licences or permits; and
  • cancelling or suspending liquor permits and licences.

Referring Liquor licence application​s to the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission​​

Refer to the guideline for circumstances where liquor licence applications may be referred to the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission:

  Guideline of circumstances that liquor licence applications may be referred to the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission   (93Kb)​

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