Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission is an independent body responsible for the regulation of gaming in Tasmania, established under the Gaming Control Act 1993 and as an appeal body in relation to the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 

The Commission is a three-person body whose members are: ​

Ms Jenny Cranston was appointed Chair of the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission on 14 March 2016.  Jenny was previously the Chair of the Liquor Licensing Board from August 2012 until its amalgamation with the  Gaming Commission in August 2015.

Jenny has held a number of senior appointments in Government agencies in Tasmania and Queensland and has worked across a variety of portfolios, including the regulation of the vocational education and training system in Queensland. Jenny has also undertaken consultancy work for government agencies and not-for-profit organisations here and in New South Wales.

Jenny brings to the Commission an understanding of how policy and legislation are developed and enacted as well as experience in managing and administering regulatory frameworks. Her previous roles have also developed a strong people focussed practice and a belief in the power of individuals to build community capacity.

David has extensive experience as a member or Chair of committees, boards and authorities, in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He has been the Chair of the State Grants Commission and the Deputy Chair of the Tasmanian Integrity Commission. 

 He also is or has been the Chair or a member of the Tasmanian Building and Construction Industry Training Board, Tasmanian Qualifications Authority, Tasmanian Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee and a number of public sector risk and audit, and not-for-profit committees. 

 David has held senior executive positions in the Tasmanian State Service, in policy, service delivery and corporate support services, and brings expertise in management, strategy, governance and stakeholder engagement.​

Andrew practices as a Barrister at Derwent & Tamar Chambers in Hobart. He was formerly a Director at law firm, Dobson Mitchell & Allport, where he practiced for 25 years, largely in the areas of commercial and administrative litigation. 

Andrew is also currently a part-time University lecturer and presenter at the Centre for Legal Studies, and has held appointments to a number of professional and government bodies, including most recently as a member of the Tasmanian Planning Reform Taskforce.

Annual reports​

TLGC Annual Report 2023-24

TLGC Annual Report 2022-23

TLGC Annual Report 2021-22

TLGC Annual Report 2020-21

TLGC Annual Report 2019-20

TLGC Annual Report 2018-19

For the archived Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission Annual reports, refer to Archived a​nnual reports.

Operating statement

The Department of Treasury and Finance has responsibility for the administration of the Gaming Control Act and the Liquor Licensing Act but is not responsible for any of the functions of the Commission. The Department's role is to ensure that the Commission is and remains properly constituted and otherwise able to carry out its statutory functions. 

Regulatory responsibility

  • Gaming: The Commission is subject to the direction of the Minister in the performance of its functions (s127) but directions cannot be given which interfere with the Commission's statutory functions such as the granting, cancelling, suspending or refusing a gaming licence or approval. 
  • Liquor: The Commission, in exercising its liquor related functions, operates independent of the State. Under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990 the Commission operates as an appeal body for decisions of the Commissioner for Licensing and may hear licence applications referred to it by the Commissioner for Licensing where it is in the best interests of the community to do so.

Functions of the Commission


The principal functions of the Commission with respect to gaming are outlined in section 125 of the Gaming Control Act 1993. The Commission's functions related to gaming are:

  • To regulate and control gaming to ensure that it is conducted honestly and free from criminal influence and exploitation
  • To investigate and make recommendations to the Minister on matters relating to gaming and other forms of wagering

The Commission will:

  • stay up-to-date with contemporary gaming and wagering issues, including new and emerging industry trends
  • take a proactive role in relation to the development and implementation of consumer protection and harm minimisation initiatives, including fostering responsible gambling behaviour
  • advise the Minister on gaming and wagering policy in Tasmania
  • research and investigate matters relating to the control of gaming and wagering, including the probity and financial security of persons involved in the management of gaming and wagering
  • liaise with authorities of persons responsible for the regulation and control gaming or wagering.
  • review and determine complaints relating to the conduct of gaming or wagering
  • perform other such functions as are imposed on it by this Act or any other Act or as are prescribed.

The Commission's functions relating to liquor licensing are to:

  • hear liquor licence applications referred to it by the Commissioner for Licensing under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990
  • hear appeals against decisions of the Commissioner for Licensing under the Liquor Licensing Act 1990


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