The Purchasing Framework Better Practice Guidelines have been developed to assist Accountable Authorities and responsible officers with their procurement responsibilities, including compliance with the Procurement Treasurer’s Instructions.
Please read the Better Practice Guidelines in conjunction with the Treasurer's Instructions.
PF-1 Procurement Principles (74Kb)
PF-2 Policies impacting on procurement: all procurement (94Kb)
PF-3 Policies impacting on procurement: Goods and Services (54Kb)
PF-4 Policies impacting on procurement: building and construction/roads and bridges (133Kb)
PF-5 Accountability and Reporting (85Kb)
PF-6 Definitions and Interpretation (94Kb)
PP-1 Valuation (43Kb)
PP-2 Market approaches (115Kb)
PP-3 Goods and Services Procurement (109Kb)
PP-4 Works Procurement (141Kb)
PP-5 Engagement of Civil and Civic Consultants (131Kb)
PP-6 Contract Extensions: Goods and Services (66Kb)
D-1 Disposals (57Kb)
C-1 Disclosure and Confidentiality in Government Contracting (67Kb)
C-2 Major Office Accommodation Leases (123Kb)
Combined Procurement Treasurer's Instructions
Combined Better Practice Guidelines