Purchasing, whole-of-government common use contracts and eTendering
Page Content
Tasmanian Government's Purchasing website contains everything you need to know about Government purchasing. The website has four main sections:
Winning Government Business
Winning Government Business is aimed at improving the ability of Tasmanian businesses to successfully compete for Government business. The information is aimed at helping potential suppliers to familiarise themselves with Tasmanian purchasing rules and processes.
The Winning Government Business website also has contract details for agency complaints officers for procurement and payments. These can be located at www.purchasing.tas.gov.au > Winning Government Business > Winning Business > Unsuccessful Bid > Got a Complaint? >
Agency contact officers for complaints.
The Tasmanian Government Tenders website is an online resource for the latest information on Tasmanian Government tenders and past awarded contracts. The Tenders website can be accessed via the Purchasing website (www.purchasing.tas.gov.au) or directly at
State Government agencies are required to report details of contracts with a value of $50 000 or more on this website.
The Tenders website also includes information on anticipated and current procurement opportunities.
The Tenders website includes a registration facility whereby registered users can:
- receive email notification of opportunities in which they may be interested;
- download tender documentation (where agencies have provided the documentation on the site); and
- lodge tender responses electronically (where agencies have chosen to adopt this facility).
To register on the site, click
This section provides information on Whole-of-Government Common Use Contracts and the Government Information Technology Conditions (GITC).
Buying for Government
This section provides Government buyers (ie agencies) with information on Government purchasing policies and processes, best practice guidelines and template forms.