Call us
The RBF Enquiry Line 1800 622 631 is available to take your calls between the hours of 8.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday. The Enquiry Line can help with general membership enquiries and can also book you an appointment with a Superannuation Consultant (consultations are during office hours only 9.00am - 4.00pm) to discuss your benefit.
Visit us
Our Hobart and Launceston offices are open for you to visit during office hours 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
| Ground Floor 21 Kirksway Place
| Level 3 Henty House 1 Civic Square
Devonport (appointment only)
| Stony Rise Government Offices Rundle Road
Burnie (appointment only)
| Office of State Growth Level 2 Harris Building 49-51 Cattley Street
Write to or email us
You can write to us about your membership:
by post: Retirement Benefits Fund
Reply Paid 89418
by email:
If contacting us, please provide your name, membership number and contact details so we can get in touch with you if necessary.
In order to protect your personal information, RBF can only supply details about your membership after we have verified your identity.
Making a complaint
Written complaints should be addressed to the RBF Complaints Officer, using either the postal or email address provided above. If this is not possible, you should contact the RBF Enquiry Line on 1800 622 631 for assistance in lodging a complaint.
For further information about how complaints and enquiries are managed at RBF, please read our Enquiries and Complaints Handling document.
Contacting the Superannuation Commission
An alternative point of contact for the Superannuation Commission is by email at:
This email address is not for routine enquiries or complaints.