At RBF we strive to ensure our members receive the best possible service at all times, but sometimes our service might not meet your expectations.
We view your feedback as an opportunity to improve our service and are committed to settling any member concerns promptly and fairly.
If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the Fund, including its products, services, actions or staff, you may submit a complaint in writing (which can be by email). If this is not possible, you should contact the RBF Enquiry Line on 1800 622 631 for assistance in lodging a complaint. Written complaints should be addressed as follows:
by post: RBF Complaints Officer
Retirement Benefits Fund
Reply Paid 89418
by email:
For further information about how complaints and enquiries are managed at RBF, including who to contact, please read our
Enquiries and Complaints Handling document.
The Public Sector Superannuation Reform Regulations 2017 (the Regulations) provide for the Commission or its delegate to make preliminary decisions in relation to certain applications or requests from members. Where the Commission has written to you in relation to a preliminary decision that affects you, and you are not satisfied with the decision, you may request that the decision be reviewed within 21 days of being notified of the outcome of the preliminary decision. If you do not request a review within that 21 day timeframe, the preliminary decision will become final.
You can request a review by writing to the Commission.
If you require further information on the reviews process, please contact RBF's Reviews Officer on 1800 622 631.
What if I'm not satisfied with RBF's review of its decision?
You may have further appeal rights if you remain dissatisfied with the final decision of the Commission. If you require further information on this, you should contact the RBF Reviews Officer on 1800 622 631.