Article library and archive

ArticlePublication date
​CPI - 1 January 2025​
CPI - 1 July 2024​

CPI - January 2024​
Change in insurance arrangements for SFCSS and TASSS​

​Change to annual declaration/life certificate process for pensioners​

​​CPI - July 2023​

CPI - January 2023​

Provisional Surviving Partner Declaration and Surviving Partner Application information​


Recent PAYG cover letter​

​​Change to employer contribution rate - State Fire Commission Superannuation Scheme​

​Change to employer contribution rate - Tasmanian Ambulance Service Superannuation Scheme​

CPI - 1 July 2022​

How do Pension CPI adjustments work?​

​Amended Regulations effective 31 March 2022​

Life Pension Conversion Factors January 2022

CPI - 1 January 2022​

Life Pension Conversion Factors January 2021​

RBF Online Benefit Estimates​

Superannuation scams​

PAYG Summaries​

RBF Life Pensions are not reducing​

​​CPA benefit estimates are available online​

​COVID-19 Early Release​
​​Our offices are closed


Health Fund Premium Increase Freeze​ - UPDATED

ATO Excess Concessional Contribution determination notices​

Administration transition and delivery of annual member benefit statements update​


Clarification of tax offset calculation for those aged over 60​


RBF Life Pension - CPI notification delay and Tax Offset
reporting change​


​MemberAccess update​

Administration update
Change in administrator​06/12/2017
2017 Member benefit statements12/09/2017
Tax Changes from 1 July 201726/05/2017
RBF New Launceston office location05/04/2017
RBF's Tasmanian Accumulation Scheme has transferred to Tasplan 04/04/2017
Public Sector Superannuation Reforms 01/03/2017
RBF's Tasmanian Accumulation Scheme and Tasplan are joining forces10/02/2017
Keep calm…you're onto a retirement winner05/12/2016
FAQs unconditional SFT07/09/2016
Important notice - Changes to the RBF Socially Responsible Investment option - November 201511/11/2015
Significant event - Important changes to insurance - 9 November 2015 10/11/2015
Significant event - Important changes to insurance - 1 July 201504/11/2015
Important changes to your super 07/02/2014


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