2017 Member benefit statements

Make the most of your member benefit statement

Your 2017 Member Benefit Statement will be issued by the end of September via either post or electronic methods, depending on your communication preferences. This is a great time to check your balance and member benefits.

We have some simple tips for making the most of your Member Benefit Statement:

  1. Learn one new thing about your benefit;
  2. Check your personal details, making sure they’re up to date and correct;
  3. Check you’ve provided your tax file number to RBF;
  4. Check that your Death Benefit nomination has been recorded correctly;
  5. Consider your long term retirement plan.

Member Benefit Statements are a great snapshot of your current financial position and a valuable reminder to check that you are on track to reaching your retirement goals.

This information has been prepared by RBF for general information only. The information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, you should not act on this information if you have not considered the appropriateness of this information to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consult a licensed or appropriately authorised financial adviser before making any financial decision.

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