Travel - Cover

Extent of cover


Travel cover is purchased in the private sector and is limited to the persons and circumstances specified below. Participants will need to purchase separate travel cover if they wish to extend cover to anyone else or in other circumstances. If in doubt, contact the Fund Administration Agent, JLT Public Sector (JLT) for advice.


Interstate and overseas travel cover is provided to employees of participating entites, the Premier, Ministers, and Members of Parliament, and persons appointed by a participating entity to represent them (eg board and committee members, and volunteers), whilst on authorised business travel.

Subject to applicable limits, cover includes:
  • 24-hour emergency assistance overseas (provided through commercial insurer), including:
    • Access to 24 hour worldwide telephone assistance
      (all employees travelling overseas should contact their participant representative before they leave for a 'wallet card' containing the emergency contact details);
    • emergency travel assistance;
    • emergency medical evacuation;
    • emergency political evacuation;
    • medically supervised repatriation;
    • assistance in replacing a lost or stolen passport;
    • legal assistance;
    • interpreter access and referral;
    • compassionate visit if travelling alone and hospitalised for more than a week;
    • assistance in tracing delayed or lost luggage; and
    • payment of approved medical services.
  • personal accident - death and injury;
  • overseas medical expenses;
  • limited personal liability;
  • the cost of replacing lost/stolen passports;
  • delayed or stolen baggage or business property; and
  • rental vehicle - the amount of the excess.

Cover is also provided for associated incidental personal travel. Associated personal travel is regarded as incidental if it does not exceed the period of business travel.

Limited cover is also provided to spouses and dependent children travelling with the insured traveller. Prior approval by the participating entity may be required when an employee wishes to be accompanied by his or her family whilst travelling on business.


The maximum duration of any trip covered is 180 days.

Cover does not extend to personal computers, electronic equipment or mobile phones where theft or attempted theft occurs whilst such equipment is unattended (unless the equipment is securely locked inside a building or out of sight inside a motor vehicle) or whilst carried in or on any aircraft, vessel or craft unless they accompany the insured traveller as personal cabin baggage.

Other exclusions may also apply. Participants should contact JLT for details.

Extent of cover

​Benefits are not open-ended and vary depending on age, status (ie employee or dependent) and circumstance. Information on the applicable limits and/or a copy of the travel policy and schedule outlining the benefits provided is available from JLT.

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